Contact The claims assistance team

An incident can happen at any time and to anyone, that's why you are insured in order to avoid life's unforeseen events. However, in the event of an incident, it is reassuring to know that you can count on your OVC Insurance broker to support you during the claim process. Contact our claims assistance team now 514-313-5999, extension 136!

514 313-5999
1 Before Claiming
2 Making a Claim
3 Open Claim

Before Claiming

You have just experienced an incident? First of all, stay calm and make sure that you are safe and that you are not injured.

Contact the claims assistance team 514-313-5999, extension 136.

Contact our OVC claims assistance department and describe the circumstances of the car, home or other incident. We can help you understand the impact that an incident can have on your damage insurance file, offer you advice during the process and inform you about the next steps after taking charge of your file with your insurance company.

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Making a Claim

Before making a claim to the insurer, be sure to contact our claims assistance team for advice.

Have you contacted us or are you in an emergency situation?

Quickly notify your insurer and describe the circumstances of the incident, to the best of your ability.

Meet with the designated claims adjuster.

The insurer will appoint a claims adjuster to settle your claim. They will guide you through the claims process, but we will be there to support you. They will investigate the cause of the incident, estimate the damage and negotiate the settlement with you.

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Open Claim

You would like to reach us following an ongoing claim? Call 514-313-5999, extension 136, to join the claims assistance team or contact your broker.

The stages of settling a claim

After identifying the cause of the incident, the claims adjuster is responsible for validating your coverages and whether the claim is admissible or not. Afterwards, they must estimate the value of the damage and suggest a compensation. They will ask you for documentation (invoices, etc.) which you will have to provide as quickly as possible to facilitate the processing of your request. Once agreed upon with the insurer, the selection of the contractor can be made and the work authorization given.

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Claims assistance Team

The claims assistance team's mission is to support OVC Insurance's clients during the claim process following an incident all the while offering sound advice.

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